Surviving the Baby Shower Registry

I walked into Babies R Us on a sunny Saturday afternoon.  Full of excitement, I grabbed my scanner, ready to have some fun.  I had a blast doing my wedding registry 5 years ago!  We started at bedding.  I saw fitted sheets, regular sheets, pads that went under and over sheets, blankets, bumpers (wait, why aren’t those illegal?), quilts, and more.  Why were there 6 different kinds of mattresses too?  Slightly overwhelmed at my choices, I moved on.  I needed some swaddles.  But, I found regular swaddles, Velcro swaddles, snap up swaddles, sleep sacks, etc.  I thought I’d skip to bottles.  That should be easy.  But, alas, I found multiple brands, each promising to be the best and each having different nipple sizes.  Some were “gas preventing” and others were “just like breastfeeding.”  Then I discovered each brand had multiple nipple sizes to choose from.  Long story short, I left the store in tears with absolutely nothing on my registry.  I had hit the realization that I knew nothing about newborns and nothing about being a mother.

I wish I would have known that most of it doesn’t matter.. with a few exceptions.  No one knows what they are doing that first day home and no one really knows what their baby will or will not like.  That being said, I with help of my family, friends, collegaues and patients, came up with a master list of the necessities and luxuries.  My second trip was much easier (and did not end in tears).  I hope someone can use this list too and avoid the unneccarily panic, pain and suffering!


  1. Clothes- Believe it or not, these are optional.  People love to buy clothes and you will get them whether or not you register for them.  To make sure you get a variety, you can put a few onesies, pajamas, and socks on there.  The baby will grow out of newborn fast, so make sure the majority are 0-3 month (one size up from newborn) or higher.
  2. Swaddles- your baby may love or hate them.  Get 1 or 2 of each and find out what your baby likes.  You can come back and buy more if you need.
  3. Blankets- I would register for one (if that).  People like buying these, so you’ll probably get a few whether you register or not.
  4. 2 fitted crib sheets- one for the crib and one for backup  (No blankets or bumpers in the crib!)
  5. Mattress (any kind- doesn’t matter) and mattress pad
  6. Changing pad with 2 fitted changing pad covers (+/- flat changing pads to go on top- 2 or 3)
  7. Baby monitor (I liked the video, but those can be more expensive.  Summer Infant a reputable brand.)
  8. Night light
  9. Diaper genie and refills
  10. Diapers (all sizes!  You will go through newborn very quickly.. put on sizes newborn, 1, 2, 3)
  11. Laundry basket
  12. Hangers
  13. White noise machine (optional, but this was a lifesaver for my kids and many others)
  14. Pack n play (can use as bassinet for napping, changing table for newborns… use as play area as they get older)
  15. High chair (Won’t need it for a few months but nice to get now.. any brand works.  Make sure it looks easy to clean)
  16. Swing or bouncer or both (Sometimes you just need a place to sit the baby down for a little while!  Swing can be used right away… probably won’t use a bouncer for a few months.)
  17. Activity play mat (optional but another good place to sit baby down and give you a break)
  18. Toys (rattles, noisemakers- optional; baby won’t be interested for a few months)
  19. Books (good idea is to have everyone bring a book instead of a card to the shower)
  20. Bibs (5-10)
  21. Burp cloths (Get a lot- 10 is a good number)
  22. Bottles- ANY BRAND FINE!  I have people that swear by one or the other, but in the end, it is just a bottle.  Size 1 nipples are what you need initially (size 2 and 3 are higher flow)… honestly most used size 1 for months… you may not even need 2 or 3.
  23. Bottle warmer (any brand)
  24. Bottle brush to clean bottles
  25. Breast pump (check with your insurance… they may cover this!)
  26. Breast milk storage bags
  27. Boppy pillow and boppy covers (2)
  28. Hands free pumping bra (Simple Wishes has a good one)
  29. Nursing tanks or bras (personally I wore the tanks under EVERYTHING… have at Target or maternity stores)
  30. Breast pads
  31. Nipple cream (1 bottle plenty.. most only used in the beginning)
  32. Bowls, plates, spoons are optional (will not need for at least 6 mo)
  33. Thermometer (rectal preferable… others are not as accurate)
  34. Bulb suction for nose
  35. Teething rings (1-2)
  36. Infant Tylenol (NO IBUPROFEN- can’t have this until 6mo)
  37. Baby shampoo
  38. Baby lotion
  39. Pacifiers optional- if you are doing pacifiers, get 3-4 (baby will drop them a lot)
  40. Plastic bathtub
  41. Hooded towels (2-4)
  42. Washcloths
  43. Carseat (all good as long as FAA certified).  Bonus if it clips into a stroller (Ask the salespeople for help on this one!).  Most of us bought a carseat/stroller combo.  Seat clips into a base (base stays in your car) and clips into a stroller so you can move back and forth ea 44. Stroller (see above)
  44. Backseat mirror (that way you can see baby when you are driving)
  45. Baby carrier (like Baby Bjorn) or baby wrap- basically something that allows you to carry baby around hands free
  46. Bumbo seat- great place to sit baby down or even feed before he/she big enough for highchair
  47. Diaper bag- the bigger the better, but easy to carry (remember you will be carrying this and a baby)
  48. Safety devices optional (you won’t need these for awhile… until crawling.. includes outlet covers, baby gate)
  50. Furniture (Crib, Dresser with changing table +/

The consensus is you do NOT need wipes warmer or a bottle sterilizer.  Most people probably have a humidifier, nail clippers, first aid kit, etc in the house (you don’t need a new one).  There will probably be things on here you won’t need (and things you will have to buy).  No big deal!  Really those first few nights, baby needs food (breast milk or formula), warmth (clothes) and a place to sleep (bassinet or crib).  Everything else is just extra.